2 Corinthians, Part 2: Joyful, Enduring Ministry in the Midst of Affliction

2 Corinthians   |   Code: MR-CDA07

1.      Battling Discouragement in Ministry (2 Cor 2:12–17)
2.      The Sufficient Servant: Made Adequate by God’s Grace (2 Cor 2:16–17)
3.      Authentic Christian Ministry (2 Cor 3:1–3)
4.      Qualified for Ministry (2 Cor 3:4–6)
5.      New Covenant Glory: The Minister’s Motivation (2 Cor 3:7–11)
6.      New Covenant Glory: The Minister’s Boldness (2 Cor 3:12–18)
7.      Sanctification: The Christian’s Pursuit of God-Given Holiness (2 Cor 3:18)
8.      A Biblical Philosophy of Ministry (2 Cor 4:1–6)
9.      Only the Weak Survive: Gospel Treasure in Earthen Vessels (2 Cor 4:7–12)
10.   Strength to be a Slave: Motivations for an Enduring Ministry (2 Cor 4:13–15)
11.   Keys to Endurance (2 Cor 4:16–18)