Quarantine Q&A, Pt 3 with Mike Riccardi and Phil Johnson

Selected Scriptures   |   Tuesday, April 21, 2020   |   Code: 2020-04-21-QA


Quarantine Q&A, Part 3

Phil Johnson & Mike Riccardi


1:37–18:03 – How do the government’s commands for the church not to meet during the “safe at home” order not fall into the category which would make civil disobedience a legitimate option for Christians? (Especially while grocery stores, liquor stores, and marijuana dispensaries remain open.)


18:10–21:18 – What does it mean when Scripture says we have “the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16)?


21:19–27:34 – What kind of discipleship should I be involved in within the church? Should I be meeting with an older believer regularly? And if so, who? (Phil’s sermon on Discipleship: “Jesus Calling,” Mt. 11:28–30, 3/24/19 https://www.thegracelifepulpit.com/sermons.aspx?code=2019-03-24-PJ)


27:35–30:48 – Is it accurate to describe the transmission of Adam’s sin to his progeny in terms of inheriting a “sin nature” that becomes a part of our DNA? (Phil’s sermon from Shepherds’ Conference 2020: “I’m Fallen, and I Can’t Get Up,” Rom. 5:12–19, https://www.gracechurch.org/sermons/16450; Mike’s sermon, “The Doctrine of Sin,” 5/26/19, https://www.thegracelifepulpit.com/sermons.aspx?code=2019-05-26-MR)


30:49–35:18 – How will our perfection in heaven differ from Adam’s perfection before the fall?


35:23–39:26 – If Christ’s perfect righteousness has been imputed to us (so that God can justly reward us in proportion to Christ’s perfect life), how can we as believers receive additional rewards for our faithful service?


39:30–45:18 – When presenting the gospel, we as Calvinists sometimes call for unbelievers to respond by asking God to grant them repentance and faith, rather than (or in addition to) actually calling the person to repent and believe in Christ. Is this a biblical way to call for unbelievers to respond to the gospel? Should we call unbelievers to ask God for the gift of repentance and faith? Or should we simply be telling them to repent and believe?


45:34–49:24 – In the book of Job—particularly in Job 42:7–9—God declared that Job’s three friends are presumptuous. Does that mean that all of their words should not be countenanced? Or can we still gain wisdom from their words, since the things they said are recorded in Scripture?


49:27–53:00 – Why did the Holy Spirit have to come after Christ?


53:22–1:02:12 – What role should apologetics play in our evangelism? What are some of its benefits and pitfalls? What are some ways we can be faithful to live out 2 Corinthians 2:14–17 in a secular workplace? (Mike’s article: “Starting Gospel Conversations” https://thecripplegate.com/starting-gospel-conversations/)


1:02:28–1:04:56 – If Scripture is sufficient, why are Christians continually publishing new books?


1:05:00–1:12:56 – How does the promise that believers will not suffer God’s wrath apply to the tribulation saints? If God elected them ahead of time, why would He force them to go through the tribulation?


1:12:59–1:23:05 – When Hebrews 4:15 says that Jesus “has been tempted in all things as we are,” does that mean that Jesus experienced every temptation that any human being has ever experienced?